Big Bang Competition

The Big Bang Competition is open for entries! It inspires students to work together, problem solve and get creative with science, engineering and technology. New for this year, celebrate students’ inner innovator with brand-new technology prizes, supported by Siemens.

Entries will close on 27 March at 5pm so there is plenty of time to start a project!

Find out more about The Competition and how to enter online.

Unleash the inner innovator

Know the next space explorer or climate change hero? Have you got an idea that will transform people’s lives?

Young people can explore any topic in the field of STEM, and can enter their ideas into The Competition in a range of ways, including drawings, 3D models and video submissions.

Get inspired

There’s no need to start projects from scratch – there is a guide to help students through the stages of project work with easy steps  – The Big Bang Challenge. Download 4 brand-new challenges and get inspired by themes such as robotics, sports engineering and many more!

Plus, discover special awards from our supporters and celebrate in style. From climate change to transport and international collaboration, there’s something for everyone.

Meet some of our innovation advisors

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